In our Seychelles Travel Guide we will tell you everything that you need to know before you spend 1-2 week in the Seychelles. I can already assure you that you will have a wonderful time on the paradise islands. Moreover, there is more to do in the Seychelles than just lying lazily on the beach. The individual Seychelles islands have different attractions to offer, so there is something for everyone. What we experienced during 14 days of Seychelles island hopping you can read in our Seychelles travel guide.

Anse Source D´Argent - Seychelles Travel Guide
Anse Source D´Argent

Day 1 – Arrival Mahé – Beau Vallon

To get a first impression of the Seychelles and to relax a bit we spent the first 2 days on the main island of Mahe and took a hotel on one of the most popular beaches of the island – the Beau Vallon. At Beau Vallon you get a good first impression of the typical mixture of white sand, the gray-black granite rocks, the turquoise sea and the surrounding green island. Especially our accommodation at Beau Vallon, the Lemongrass Lodge*, which is highly recommended.

Seychelles Travel Guide | How to spend 2 Weeks in Paradise
Beau Vallon on Mahe

It is best to book a room with a sea view. The view over the whole bay is absolutely amazing. This is exactly the view we enjoyed from the terrace on the first evening, watching the setting sun reflecting in the water of the bay and slowly turning the sky from orange to red.

Closer we have looked at the beach only the next day. From Lemongrass Lodge, it’s just a few minutes down to the beach. Contrary to the reviews on, I found the climb from the beach back to the accommodation strenuous, but not as bad as I thought. In 15 minutes you’re up there and had a light workout at the same time. Perfect!

Hotel Recommendation on Mahe at Beau Vallon

At Lemongras Lodge*, we had a nice, big room with a terrace and a view over the whole bay. Especially at sunset this view was fantastic. Next to our room there was a shared kitchen, which was available for a total of 3 rooms and was perfectly sufficient for us.

To Lemongrass Lodge at Beau Vallon*

Day 2 – Excursion Moyenne and St. Anne Marine Park

The excursion to the St. Anne Marine Park* adjacent to Mahe and to the island of Moyenne is always described as one of the highlights on Mahé. Accordingly, the excursion was also on our ToDo list as a day trip from Mahe.

Tour to the St. Anne Marina Park | Check Prices*

What to Expect on a Tour to the St. Anne Marine Park

After leaving the harbor, there was a lot of information from the guides about the island, energy production in the Seychelles as well as fishing on the way to Saint Anne Marine Park. Arriving at the Marine Park we wanted to marvel at some corals through the glass bottom of the boat, which unfortunately was not possible due to the poor visibility.

But there were enough fish to see, because a few meters away we stopped for fish feeding. The fish were fed with toast. One of the guides even took a fish out of the water with his hand for a short time and then threw it back again. Of course it is nice to see so many fish at once. Nevertheless, something like this should not be supported, which is why we refused to feed the fish.


Saint Anne Marine Park consists of a total of 6 islands. Saint Anne, Moyenne, Middle Island, Round Island, Cerf Island and Hidden Island. For us we went on to Moyenne. Here we took a walk of about 45 minutes. The walk started at a place where lots of the famous huge turtles were waiting to be fed.

More than 100 turtles live freely on the island, but they hang around at the beginning of the circuit because they are used to being fed. But you can always meet the huge animals in the middle of the path. The turtles were for us one of the main reasons for the trip. If I had known then that we would see the animals many more times, we might have done without this trip.

Seychelles Travel Guide | How to spend 2 Weeks in Paradise

As it always is with such guided tours you unfortunately have too little time. While you are looking at everything and trying to take some nice pictures, the tour continues.

Visited are several viewpoints on Moyenne, where you have a good view of the other islands. It goes along the green palm trees and the black-gray rocks. Everything is lined by the deep turquoise of the sea, which glistens in the sun.

After the tour there is finally a cooling in the sea with a snorkel tour … and after 2 hours also finally something to drink. The snorkeling was rather disappointing, as the corals have suffered greatly from El Niño in 2016 and 80-90 percent have died due to the warming of the water. Despite everything we saw some colorful fish and after the huge land turtles also 2 water turtles.

Round Island

After the following BBQ we went to the opposite island Round Island. Here we could walk and relax on the beach, as well as swim and snorkel in the sea. The interior of the island is private property and may not be visited. Round Island is as the name suggests a beautiful round island.

Seychelles Travel Guide | How to spend 2 Weeks in Paradise
Round Island – Seychelles

In front of the island the beach falls shallowly into the water and you can go snorkeling very well. Between the fields of sea grass you can always find rays or even small sharks. After the short snorkeling trip, you still have time to take a few photos and relax a bit on one of the loungers on the beach.

Round Island was also the last stop of our day trip and has given us a first good impression of the Seychelles, even if the snorkeling trip has not yet given us the experience as hoped.

If, for example, a visit to La Digue is planned I would do without the excursion to Moyenne and the St. Anne Marine Park and from La Digue rather book the excursion to Big Sister and Cocos Island*.

Day 3 – Seychelles Island Hopping – By Ferry to Praslin

In the morning we went by cab to the harbor to take the ferry at 10:30 to Praslin. I had bought the tickets for the ferry in advance online at Seyferry. With the email confirmation you get your boarding pass at the port. The ferry ride took about 1 hour and was very comfortable and smooth. As I have read, this can be different in strong swells.

After arrival, we took a cab from the jetty to our accommodation at Anse Volbert. The Anse Volbert was for us the perfect beach with everything needed in the immediate vicinity and a good starting point to explore the island by bus. The first day we just relaxed at the beautiful Anse Volbert. Who wants to snorkel here can do that best on the whole left side of Anse Volbert.

Anse Volbert auf Praslin
Anse Volbert on Praslin

Hotel Recommendation on Praslin at the Anse Volbert

We stayed on Praslin in a small self-catering apartment on Anse Volbert. The apartment consisted of a small living room with a kitchenette, a bedroom with air conditioning and a bathroom and a terrace.

From the apartment, it took about 5 minutes to walk to the beach. There was a bus stop towards the street, so you could reach other parts of the island quickly. For us the apartment was the perfect and especially cheap alternative on Praslin.

The Highly Recommended Coquillage Holiday Apartments on Praslin *

Day 4 – Hiking Anse Lazio to Anse Georgette

On the first full praslin island day you will do one of the best hikes on the island. I had read a lot about this hike in advance. Especially about whether you should do the route with or without a guide. Already the first info in advance … you can hike the route without a guide.

Read more: How to get to Anse Georgette to Anse Lazio

Day 5 – Seychelles Travel Guide: Tips for Visiting Vallée de Mai

We took the bus early in the morning from our hotel at Anse Volbert in about 25 minutes towards Vallée de Mai to see the famous Coco de Mer. We actually left so early that we were at the entrance before 8:30 when the park opens. We wanted to avoid two things when visiting Vallée de Mai…. the midday heat and other tourists.

There are a total of 3 trails that you can walk along through Vallée de Mai National Park. The outer path is the longest. In addition, there are 3 other paths that are a bit shorter. We walked all the paths comfortably in about 2.5 hours and had the National Park almost to ourselves. The paths lead uphill and downhill again and again and are sometimes a bit slippery when it rained before. Overall, however, the paths are paved and clearly recognizable. Getting lost is almost impossible here.

Unfortunately, there are not many animals to see in Vallée de Mai. The fascination of the park comes more from the plants. On the one hand, you can marvel at the extremely large Coco de Mer and the corresponding huge palm leaves. On the other hand, one should always pay attention to the small details. Many of the plants have the most different spines. Also, there are always different shapes and structures on the trunks, branches or leaves, which you see so rarely.

Even if the Vallée de Mai is perhaps not a huge highlight, it is a nice change from the other days on the beach and therefore definitely worth a visit.

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Day 6 – Anse Boudin & Anse Takamaka

Actually we had planned to stay only a few hours, and then it became almost the whole day. Anse Boudin was beautifully quiet with lots of space, great photo opportunities, good snorkeling and just a few other tourists. Just the perfect place for us to spend the day.

Anse Boudin auf Praslin
Anse Boudin on Praslin

We had packed enough food in our apartment, since there was neither a bar nor a takeaway or similar at Anse Boudin and Anse Takamaka. In the morning we went by bus within about 15 minutes first to Anse Boudin. Here we first took a few photos at the reddish granite rocks before it went to the first cooling and snorkeling experience.

Unfortunately, the sea was a bit churned up, so the visibility was not so good. Nevertheless, we saw a lot of beautiful colorful fish especially along the rocks, so after a break we left directly for the next snorkeling trip at Anse Boudin.

Walking past the granite rocks at Anse Boudin you come to Anse Takamaka. In front of the quiet bay is a small rock island, which is also a nice photo motif and gives you the opportunity to look at Anse Boudin and Anse Takamaka from the view of the sea. You can reach the rock island on foot through the knee-high water. It is best to take your shoes with you, as there are sharp stones on the rocky island.

Day 7 – Anse Volbert

On our last day on Praslin we wanted to enjoy the benefits of our house beach again. So first we took a leisurely walk down the beach to the right until we reached Anse Cote D’or. There are some rocks to which you can even walk over at low tide. Here we looked around a bit and wanted to go snorkeling afterwards. Unfortunately, the sea was very churned up and you hardly saw anything.

Seychelles Travel Guide | How to spend 2 Weeks in Paradise
Anse Volbert on Praslin

After a short and unsuccessful attempt we rested a bit under the next palm tree before we went to the completely other side of the beach to try it out as a snorkeling spot. And here we were lucky. Despite a few waves the water was clear and the current was not too strong. Along the rocks romped again and again a few colorful schools of fish that we observed in their hustle and bustle.

Day 8 – First Island Day La Digue – Bike Tour & Anse Source D’Argent

Seychelles Travel Guide | How to spend 2 Weeks in Paradise
Anse Fourmis on La Digue

Day 8 meant getting up early again and taking a cab to the jetty. At 9 am we were supposed to take the ferry to La Digue. We were already an hour before departure at the Jetty… a half hour before would have been enough though. The ride from Praslin to La Digue also takes only 15-20 minutes, so we arrived early on the small and relaxed island.

Hotel Recommendation on La Digue

On La Digue, we can recommend the Bord Mer Luxury Apartment right near the Jetty. For us this place was one of the best places to stay in Seychelles. Our beautiful little apartment was super centrally located at the harbor and was the perfect starting point to reach different corners of the island by bike.

We also had several supermarkets, restaurants and a great bakery nearby so we could get enough provisions for our bike baskets and spend the day on the most beautiful beaches on La Digue. If you want to take a closer look at the hotel, just click the button below and you’ll see the exact availability and current rates.

The Highly Recommend Bord Mer Luxury Apartment on La Digue*

Bike Tour on La Digue

From our hotel near the Jetty, we had the opportunity to bike once north and once south to explore the island. The northern end of the road on La Digue is at Anse Fourmis. While you drive comfortably and enjoy the great view is without any warning the road suddenly ends. Behind it follow many granite rocks and a stony coast.

The other end of the road is at Grand Anse. Until the beginning of the Union Estate Park you can still drive along or near the beach. After that it goes through the center of the island to the very south. The roads are well developed while at the same time you have the feeling to drive through the jungle.

To the right and left of the road everything is wildly overgrown and you get an impression of how the plant world on La Digue looks like. Between palm trees, lianas and conifers, there are always magnificently colorful flowers lining the road. In between you will always find the typical granite rocks of the Seychelles.

Day 9 – Hike Grand Anse, Petite Anse, Anse Cocos

If you want to visit one of the most beautiful beaches on La Digue and get some exercise at the same time, the Anse Cocos hike on La Digue is just right for you. The beach Anse Cocos is always counted among the most beautiful sights on La Digue and we can only confirm this. For us this was a day trip, as we took our time on the hike as well as on the individual beaches.

So get in your hiking sandals, pack some sunscreen and water … and get ready to start the hike to Anse Cocos in the Seychelles. How the hike goes and which beaches there are to discover on the hike, you can read in our separate Seychelles travelogue.

Read more: How to get to Anse Cocos

Day 10 – Boat Trip Big Sister and Coco Island

The boat trip to the small dream islands was my absolute highlight during our Seychelles vacation and made my snorkeling dreams come true (we have only done similar great snorkeling trips in Belize so far). We visited beautiful beaches on secluded island and just had an amazing day.

Read more: A Perfect Day on Coco Island and Sister Island

Day 11 – Snorkeling & Crystal Kayak

After spending the morning with another snorkeling trip at one of our favorite spots on La Digue, Anse Severe, a thought came to mind that I had almost forgotten. Before our trip, I had read that you can take a tour in a transparent kayak on La Digue. After a short online search, I found what I was looking for and wrote the provider via WhatsApp.

The tour is a definite recommendation if you are on La Digue. The guides are super nice, the price is cheap by Seychelles standards (unfortunately, the Seychelles are extremely expensive) and you have a beautiful view of the rocks at Anse Source D’Argent. Also, the kayak tour brings a little sporty variety in the otherwise very relaxed everyday life on La Digue. And if you are not so sporty and worried not to make the whole trip. For that there is always the motorized dinghy!

Read more: Crystal Kayak Tour on La Digue

Day 12 – Drive to Mahé & Relax at Anse Royale

After a couple of beautiful and relaxing days on La Digue, we took the ferry back to Mahe at 7 in the morning. After about 1.5 hours we arrived at the port of Mahe and took a cab to Anse Royale. After the quiet and relaxed atmosphere on the small bicycle island, we were almost hit by the blow on Mahe. On the beach a busy road and next to our hotel a huge construction site where people were working noisily from morning till evening

After the first shock was digested and we moved into our apartment, we looked for a quiet corner on the beach. For the next days I had planned to go snorkeling and hoped for a positive surprise.

Hotel Recommendation at Anse Royale

We stayed at the Anse Royale in the Pieds Dans L’eau*. The apartment, the terrace etc. were also really nice. Now comes the big BUT. Right next to the apartment was a huge construction site (as of March 2020), so we heard the construction noise from early in the morning until late in the evening. As the construction site looked it will also take some time until the new building is ready.

I would therefore rather recommend the Shanaz Beachside Retreat*. The beautiful new apartments are equipped with everything you need and there are comfortable sunbeds on the beach.

To Shanaz Beachside Retreat at Anse Royale*



Day 13 – Walking and Snorkeling at Anse Royale

After a first leisurely day on the beach, it was back in the water today. I had done a lot of research as far as snorkeling at Anse Royale is concerned …. And we were not disappointed. For me, Anse Royale was the most beautiful snorkeling spot from the beach during our vacation. On one side of the beach there is a rock with a small stone island in the water.

Here you can go excellent snorkeling and see beautiful corals, unbelievable many different fish and always small rays.

Day 14 – The last hours on the beach on Mahé

14 wonderful days of Seychelles island hopping come to an end and the Seychelles surprised me positively. You can do so much more in this small island paradise than just lying around on the beach. In our 2 weeks in the Seychelles we got a first impression, but there is so much more to discover here. When are you leaving?

How did you like our Seychelles island hopping travelogue? Have you already been to the Seychelles? Then leave us a comment with your favorite place on the island.

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