Kayaking in El Nido Palawan was one of our most favorite things to. El Nido in Palawan is one of the dream destinations in the beautiful Philippines. There are dream beaches, deserted islands, crystal clear waters and a landscape that is probably unique in the world. There are several ways to explore the island world of El Nido. But the most beautiful one is to rent a kayak on your own and explore the dreamlike beaches by yourself. How to rent a kayak in El Nido and where to go best, you can find out now in our El Nido Kayaking Guide.

Where to Rent a Kayak in El Nido?

There are two ways to rent a kayak in El Nido to explore the beaches on your own. You can rent a kayak directly in El Nido Town at the beach and go out to sea with it and you can rent a kayak at Corong Corong Beach and explore the beautiful beaches. The advantage of Corong Corong Beach is that there is much less boat traffic than in El Nido Town and within 15 minutes you will reach the first paradise beach.



Because if you leave from the port of El Nido Town with a kayak, then probably some boats will pass you. This is generally not a problem, but can lead to increased swell. But you will get from El Nido Town to a destination you can’t get to from Corong Corong beach. We will tell you which one in a moment.

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The Most Beautiful Destinations Starting from El Nido Town

You can easily rent a kayak at El Nido Town beach (daily rate 500-700 pesos) and paddle to the nearby Cadlao Island. The island itself is super impressive up close, but there are also some beaches that are well worth seeing. Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Know

Paradise Beach

This beach is as the name suggests totally paradise. In 30-45 minutes you can paddle from El Nido Town to here and with luck have this beautiful beach all to yourself. Without a kayak you can get here with the El Nido Tour D*.

Pasandigan Cove

To get to this small cove and its beach you have to paddle a bit further than to Paradise Beach. But it is worth it. You can only get to this beach with the El Nido Tour D*, but by kayak you can take the chance and have the beach completely to yourself.

Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Know

The Most Epic Boat Trip between El Nido and Coron

You can expect:

  • Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Knowparadise islands
  • unique snorkeling experiences
  • Overnight stays directly on the beach
  • stunning views of the sea
  • relaxed boat life
We have an absolute recommendation for you when you visit the Philippines. A boat tour between El Nido and Coron. There are many providers who offer so-called 3D/2N (3 days/2 nights) boat tours between El Nido and Coron. Not only do you cover the distance, but you also see and experience beautiful islands, lagoons and places along the way that you wouldn't otherwise get to. We did such a unique tour with the provider El Nido Paradise* and can only recommend it! Epic Boat Trip between El Nido and Coron | Check Availability*

Beautiful Destinations of Kayaking from Corong Corong Beach

From Corong Corong Beach it’s super easy to kayak to the nearby beaches of El Nido Peninsula. Also, there is not as much boat traffic as at the neighboring El Nido Beach, so the kayak tour is much more relaxed.

To reach these beaches, you need to rent a kayak at Corongcorong Beach (400-700 pesos per day) and paddle diligently. You can reach the beaches within 15 to 40 minutes by kayak. Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Know

Seven Commandos Beach

Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To KnowThe Seven Commandos Beach is one of the most famous beaches in El Nido and is even visited during the boat tour A. But this is exactly the “problem”. Because the boat tours stop at this beach and there is also a hotel. So there are always relatively many tourists, so that you can not enjoy the beach in peace.

If you like the hustle and bustle, maybe even want to play beach volleyball and have a bar, you are right here. You can reach the beach by kayak within about 25 minutes from Corongcorong Beach.

Papaya Beach

Papaya Beach is located right next to Seven Commandos Beach and is separated from it by a big rock. Since it was quite crowded from the kayak at Seven Commandos Beach we paddled directly to Papaya Beach and had a little break.

The beach, the sea and the view were really beautiful here. There is also a small swing on a palm tree, which is a great photo spot. As with Seven Commandos Beach, you need about 25 minutes by kayak to arrive at Papaya Beach.

Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Know

Lapus Lapus Beach

Lapus Lapus Beach is the fastest beach to reach by kayak. In only 15 minutes you will be at this small dream beach. Part of the beach is private property, so it’s best to stay to the right side of the lagoon. Here you can go ashore, unpack your beach towel under the tree and enjoy the great beach with the beautiful view. We spent our last day in El Nido here and especially discovered the tree as a great photo motif and took lots of pictures.

Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To Know

Ipil Ipil Beach – The Most Beautiful Beach in El Nido

The really special thing about Ipil Ipil Beach (and the others on this small peninsula) is the quietness and seclusion. You can’t get there “just by chance”. Ipil Ipil Beach was the farthest beach from Corongcorong Beach. Here was once a hotel which is currently (April 2022) closed. That means we were really all alone on this dream beach. We had an incredibly nice time here and have enjoyed the impressive scenery.

Kayaking in El Nido Palawan

Alternatives to Kayaking in El Nido Palawan

If you don’t want to paddle the long distances on your own or if you don’t want to kayak at all, you can also reach the beaches by organized tour (e.g. with tour A* you can get to Seven Commando Beach). On the tours you sometimes have a kayak with you, so you can still enjoy paddling around by kayak. You can book other organized boat tours at El Nido Paradise The most popular El Nido boat tours*

Resorts in El Nido

Coco Resort | Large Bungalows in a beautiful garden Kayaking in El Nido Palawan I Everything You Need To KnowThe Coco Resort consists of many small and large detached bungalows in a garden-like complex with a large pool and private beach access. In the large bungalows you even have your own small whirlpool, your own terrace and enough space for privacy. We really felt very comfortable here and we could walk to the beach in 2 minutes.
  • own bungalow with a lot of space around it
  • big hotel pool
  • breakfast included
  • own access to the beach
Coco Resort | Check Availability*
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