The hike to the Troll Church (Trollkirka, Trollkyrka or Trollkyrkja … there is no common spelling :-D) near Molde was one of the most adventurous hikes we did in Norway. The Trollkirka is located in the very north of Fjord Norway, is little known but all the more spectacular. Only about 4 km from the free parking lot you reach the first of 3 caves in which underground waterfalls shoot out of the rock walls. Exactly this cave and grotto landscape, which you can discover armed with your headlamp, is the goal of this great hike

You almost feel like a cave explorer when you squeeze through the narrows all by yourself. In Germany, such a cave would probably never be accessible to everyone without special safety precautions, but Norway is just different.

How to get to the Trollkyrkja Hike?

The hiking trail to Trollkyrkja is located near Molde. From here you drive about 30 minutes until you reach the parking lot of the Trollkirka. The parking lot is located on Rv64 and serves as the starting point of the hike. Depending on the time of year and the time of day you arrive, it can get a bit crowded. However, we were lucky and found a parking spot right away.

Facts about the Hike

  • Length: 8 km (there and back)
  • Circular route: No
  • Duration: about 3 hours (there and back)
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Season: July – August

Hotel Recommendation close to the Hike

You can enjoy a spectacular view from Håholmen Havstuer* near the Atlantic Road.

Trollkyrkja Hike Norway | Everything You Need To Know

The hotel is located on a small island that you can only get to by private boat. You have to park your car on the mainland. The rooms are historically rustic and offer an ambience like in Norway 100 years ago, but in a luxurious way.

Håholmen Havstuer | Check Availability*

Trollkyrkja Hike

Before you start the hike you should check your equipment. Good, non-slip and preferably waterproof hiking boots as well as a headlamp or flashlight are mandatory for this hike. The limestone caves, which can be discovered at the end of the trail, are partly pitch black and the stones are wet and slippery.

The caves of Troll Church are located about 4 km from the parking lot. The path starts quite flat on a dirt road to a stream that leads over a wooden bridge. After that the ascent of the path begins slowly. In total, there are 450 meters of altitude to overcome to the Trollkyrkja.

At a small info point the path forks, the right one being the easier one. Now it goes through a small coniferous forest before the steep and partly impassable path through slippery and boggy terrain begins. Rocks must also be overcome until you run over the flat ridges, which can be very slippery when wet.

From here it is not far to the entrance of the first cave. A round, jet-black hole in the rock awaits you. You definitely need a flashlight to find your way around the caves and to get to the waterfalls via ladders and small narrow passages.

The Caves of Trollkyrkja

The caves of Trollkirka are limestone caves, of which there were originally four. A hundred years ago, however, one of the caves collapsed, so nowadays there are only three caves left to visit. The caves are crisscrossed by underground pools and waterfalls, into some of which some daylight falls. Exactly by this water the caves were also formed.

In the first cave, about 70 m long, after a short walk through complete darkness, there is a small but charming waterfall. The cave is about 2-3 m wide and at the lowest point just 1.5 m high. After a few meters through the darkness, a small marble cave illuminated by daylight is waiting at the end, where the water shoots down from 14 meters.

We have never seen anything like this before: A waterfall… in a cave! To get to the second cave, you can leave the first cave through a narrow gap and then descend again via a secured ladder. At the end of the ladder you reach a cavity where the waterfall pours down. On the walls you can see the reddish blue discolorations in the marble, while you can hardly hear your own words because of the water splashing.

When you leave the cave, you can climb a bit higher, where there is supposed to be another cave. Unfortunately, we did not find it. Supposedly, it is accessible through a hole in the ground. On the plateau above the first two caves, a small wooden sign also points to this 3rd cave.

With a little luck (and time) you should hopefully find it. If not you can enjoy the view from up here over the hiking trail, before you walk back to the parking lot.

Trollkyrkja Hike Norway | Everything You Need To Know

Conclusion of the Hike to the Troll Church

For us this hike was an absolute highlight. Even if the part is somewhat arduous, the hike itself is very varied with a path that leads through coniferous forests, moorland and bare field. The caves then form the crowning conclusion. We felt like explorers as we explored the dark caves all by ourselves with our flashlights. A real adventure.

How did you like the hike to Trollkirka? Do you know similar spectacular hikes in Norway that you could recommend to us? YES …. then post it in the comments.

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