How to get from San Andres to Providencia? On our journey through Latin America we have spent 3 weeks in Colombia and were of course also in the Caribbean paradise of Providencia. But the journey to San Andres or to Providencia is not so easy. Especially to get to Providencia you have to consider some things. How to get to Providencia? How expensive is it to get to Providencia? The best tips to get from San Andres to Providencia you can read now in this travel report.

How To Get To San Andres?

Getting from mainland Colombia to San Andres is not very difficult. From almost all major airports (Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena, etc.) many airlines (including budget airlines) fly to San Andres. So you can get to the island from 25 € p.p.. So you can look for a connection (2-3 hours should be enough between the flights) if you don’t want to spend time on San Andres.

If you need to kill some more time, you can also walk from San Andres airport to the nearby beach. You don’t need a cab! You can also do a tour with the best things to do on San Andres*.The tricky part is getting from San Andres to Providencia. But we will explain that to you right now.

San Andres aus der Luft
San Andres from the air

Getting from San Andres to Providencia

You have roughly 2 options to get from San Andres to Providencia. By ferry or by plane.

By Ferry from San Andres to Providencia

This is the cheaper of the two options, but also the roughest. We have heard from many travelers that the sea between San Andres and Providencia is often very rough which can lead to very bumpy crossings. You probably get pills against seasickness by default and there should even be an employee on these ferries solely responsible for collecting full vomit bags.

Since this reminded us too much of our Norway trip with the vomit ferry, this option was out of the question for us. However, we would like to explain to you how you can cross to Providencia by ferry.

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The ferry takes 3.5 hours to get from San Andres to Providencia and costs 380,000 COP for the round trip. Five times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday) you can start your journey at 8 am. The return trip from San Andres takes place on the same days at 2 pm. But beware: Due to the unpredictable sea, the crossings are sometimes canceled at short notice.

Keep this in mind when making your travel plans. You should book the ferry (or the flight) first and then your hotel on Providencia! Due to these facts and the relatively low savings compared to a flight, we decided against the ferry to Providencia. You can book your ferry on the website of the operator: Conocemos Navegando

Anreise Providencia per Flugzeug

San Andres to Providencia by Plane

It is relatively expensive(though only slightly more expensive than the ferry) to fly to Providencia, but it is by far the fastest and most comfortable option. Per Flugzeug nach ProvidenciaThere are 2 airlines where you can buy a ticket to Providencia online. One of them is Satena. But you have to book the tickets for this company far in advance. We therefore chose the relatively new company San German Express, which charters planes from Searca.

Here you can still get enough tickets a few days in advance. The website of San German Express looks like it was programmed in the 90s, but booking the tickets is no problem. Tickets cost about 500,000 COP (130€) per person round trip. The flight takes about 17 minutes and gives you a fantastic view of the sea and the two islands in the Caribbean Sea.

Baggage Restriction for Flights to Providencia

No matter with which company you fly, you are allowed to take a maximum of 10 kg of checked luggage and 3 kg of hand luggage. With hand luggage this is not taken so exactly, but it is important to know this limitation. However, there is theoretically also the possibility to pay extra for excess baggage.

The smartest solution is to leave your big backpack in San Andres. There is a luggage storage at the airport San Andres. This is located directly behind the stairs leading to the 1st floor. You pay 5000 COP (1.50€) per piece of luggage and day.

The Peak, Providencia
The Peak, Providencia

Info for the Entry to San Andres and Providencia

Tourist Card

For the entry to San Andres and Providencia you have to buy a so called tourist card. You need this card to enter the country, so you have to buy it at the check-in at the airport. It costs 12500 COP (approx. 30 €) per person. You will also need this card for your onward journey to Providencia and for your return flight. So please do not lose it. Otherwise you will have to pay for this card again.

Return Ticket

At our check-in at the airport we were also asked for our return flight. Without a valid return ticket you will not be allowed on the island. If you don’t want to book a fixed return flight, we can recommend the site There you can buy a return ticket for a small fee, which is automatically canceled after 48 hours. This way you won’t have problems anywhere in the world when you have to prove that you are leaving the country.

Crab Cay, Providencia
Crab Cay, Providencia

Hotel Recommendation on Providencia

Posada Miss Portia, providencia

Miss Portia on Providencia

Our lodging where we stayed on Providencia is within walking distance of South West Beach on a small side street. The rooms have air conditioning, a terrace and there is even a communal kitchen with a free water dispenser. In addition, you can also rent scooters directly here to explore the island. Miss Portia at*

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