An Argentina Itinerary has been our dream for a long time. To make a road trip in Argentina is quite obvious when you consider the size of the South American country. From Patagonia in the south to the Buenos Aires region and the far north with the Salta region and the Puna de Atacama. There are many reasons to take a road trip through Argentina by rental car.

We would have loved to do a round trip from the glaciers in Patagonia to the volcanoes of northern Argentina. But unfortunately we didn’t have the time. Since we were in the north of Chile anyway – in the Atacama Desert – a ritinerary through the north of Argentina offered itself. We started from San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, from where we drove directly to Salta in Argentina. You can also start your road trip from Salta if you only want to travel in Argentina.

We present you here our Argentina itinerary, which you can easily drive in 2 weeks. We also give you some tips, where you can get a rental car and where you can spend the night, if you do not have a campervan with roof tent.


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Argentina Travel Tips: Finding the right Rental Car

Finding a rental car in Argentina is not that difficult. There are at least in the provincial capital Salta numerous providers (Europcar, Avis, etc.), which one also knows from Europe. Renting a normal car is not expensive at all. On asphalted roads you have no problems, but what if you want to go into the pampas? Then you need a four-wheel drive car. In the following we want to give you some information to find the right car rental company.


Renting a Normal Car in Argentina

If you shorten the above itinerary and stay on the main road N68 or N9 between Cafayate in the south and Salta or Humahuaca in the far north of Argentina, you will not need an off-road vehicle. The roads are everywhere in good condition. If you don’t want to make an adventure trip out of your Argentina road trip, then just have a look at the available car rental companies and choose a car that fits your budget.

Campervan with Roof Tent

Since we didn’t want to spend most of the nights in the Puna de Atacama in hotels and also wanted to drive through areas where there are no paved roads, we decided to use a campervan. In our case, an off-road vehicle with a roof tent. So we could pitch our tent where we wanted and could make us with our small camping stove in the middle of nature something delicious to eat. Simply fantastic!

Unser Campervan für unseren Roadtrip durch Argentinien
Our campervan for our road trip through Argentina

Our choice fell on the company Wicked Camper. This company also exists in the USA and Australia and since a few years also in Chile. Wicked offers small campervans, but also large off-road four-wheel drive vehicles. Mostly with gaudy and eye-catching designs. The target group is therefore rather younger people, which one would not believe at first because of the relatively high prices. But most things in Chile are expensive anyway.

The standard rental cars at Wicked are small minivans, which are rather less suitable for rugged terrain as we would find them on our round trip. So for a little more money, we took an all-terrain, four-wheel drive vehicle where we could be sure our car wouldn’t break down in the gnarly road conditions of Argentina’s wasteland. The problem here is that Wicked only rents its cars in San Pedro de Atacama in Chile and not in Argentina! So you have to start and finish the route in Chile. But this is not a big problem. How your Argentina itinerary could look like and what you have to keep in mind, we have described in an own article.

Campervan vs. Normal Rental Car 

With a normal rental car I mean a car that is not driven by four-wheel drive. These are here in the area mostly nevertheless larger off-road vehicles e.g. in the form of a Toyota Pickup. A normal rental car, as you would rent it in Europe, is also available here, but we would only recommend it if you really only drive on paved roads (e.g. between Salta and Cafayate). Otherwise, such cars are not up to the road conditions.

At least the roads in this region are paved. The advantage of a campervan is that you can sleep in it or on it. So on a mattress in the car or in a roof tent. So you can wild camp with it relatively easily. When and where you want. And that is allowed everywhere in Chile and Argentina, except on private property, of course. So you not only save money compared to staying in a hotel, but you can also be sure of unique experiences in nature.

Vanlife Puna de Atacama
Vanlife in the Puna de Atacama

In areas where it gets very cold at night, it is of course less comfortable to spend the night in a tent or even in a car. Maybe we are just not hardy enough, but at more than 3500 meters above sea level it gets very easily below zero degrees at night. For such cases, we can resort to hostels (hospedajes), which can be found almost everywhere.

There are enough hotels in the big cities like San Pedro de Atacama (Chile), Salta and Cafayate. But also in the lonely areas of the Puna de Atacama there are a few accommodations where you can take refuge from the cold at night. The prices for simple accommodations (which you can’t find on the internet) are about 15-25 Euro for a double room. If you want more comfort, you have to invest at least 50 Euro per night.

Where can you camp on your Argentina Itinerary?

The only places where you can really sleep in a roof tent (or car) on your route through the north of Argentina without freezing to death are between Hualfin in the south and Humahuaca in the north. Only this region of Argentina lies at almost 1000 meters above zero and therefore has pleasant temperatures at night.

All other places in the Puna de Atacama (e.g. Antofagasta de la Sierra) are located so high that it quickly cools down to below zero degrees at night. So here you should resort to one of the hospedajes (simple private accommodations) available everywhere.

Our Itinerary for Argentina North

Our itinerary for Argentina led us clockwise through the northwest of the country (and also through the Puna de Atacama) and can be roughly divided into the following stops:

  1. Salta
  2. Quebreda de las Conchas
  3. Cafayate
  4. El Penon
  5. Campo de Piedra Pomez
  6. The volcano Cono Arita
  7. Ojos del Mar and Desierto del Diabolo
  8. San Antonio del Cobres

If you give yourself plenty of time, you can spend 2 weeks on this Argentina itinerary. But you can also do this route in 8-10 days if you have less time.

Additional Destinations with a Normal Rental Car

If you want to skip the inhospitable and difficult to drive landscapes in the Puna de Atacama (the area between the Ruta Nacional 40 and the Chilean border), then a simple rental car with front wheel drive is enough. We have written down a few additional destinations for you, so that you also get your 2 weeks full.

These destinations are all north of Salta and are very difficult to include as a round trip without driving on sandy roads. So you have to drive north from Salta on the RN9 and from the northernmost town back on the same route.

Day 1 | Salta

We did not stay long in Salta. We would not recommend it to you either. If you can continue on the same day, you should do so. The city does not have much to offer and is rather gray and unattractive. In our opinion, the only beautiful viewpoint is the local mountain San Bernardo. You can easily visit it by car (alternatively by gondola or on foot) and you don’t have to pay any entrance or parking fees.

Salta San Bernado Berg
From view of San Bernado mountain in Salta

You can go all the way to the top and enjoy the great view over Salta. The 360° view from the top shows you the huge scale of this major city, and is a huge contrast to the rest of the cities on this Argentina itinerary. There is also a restaurant and restrooms at the top. By the way, Argentines also use the mountain as a way to do morning sports.

We met many joggers or even dog owners on the way, who walked or jogged up the kilometer-long road. But you don’t have to spend more than an hour up there, so you can spend the first day of your road trip packing your rental car or recovering from your arrival at the hotel. The next morning you should start early.

Day 2 + 3 | Quebreda de las Conchas

The stretch between Salta and Cafayate via the RN68 (also called Quebrada de las Conchas ) is one of the most beautiful stretches of road in Argentina, you read everywhere… and yes, we can only agree. The approximately 200 km long route makes you continuously marvel at the beautiful nature. The colors in the Quebrada de las Conchas tend to red-brown-loamy and form always new shapes on the left and on the right of the road.

In addition, in the middle of the gorge flows the – depending on the water level – more or less torrential Rio las Conchas and gives the Quebrada de las Conchas again a very special atmosphere. On the route between Salta in the north and Cafayate in the south, you can also camp in the wild off the road. The beautiful part of the route begins about 1 hour drive south of Salta and ends shortly before Cafayate. Where we found Cafayate itself also totally beautiful and – although relatively touristy – also very relaxed.

Quebreda de los Conchas Straßen
Quebreda de los Conchas

We spent a total of 2 days and 2 nights on the route, which really only takes 3-4 hours if you are short on time. There are also guided tours offered from Salta and Cafayate*, where you are channeled through the numerous sights within 1-3 days.

Adventurous Tour from Salta or Cafayate | Check Prices*

However, the roads are in super condition and therefore easy to drive even with a small rental car. On the way there are wonderful viewpoints, special sights and also smaller hiking possibilities. And if you also stay overnight on this route, you can watch the great sunrises and sunsets of this region in complete solitude and tranquility.

More information about this Argentinean panoramic road you will find in our separate travel report:

Day 4-5 | Cafayate

At the end of the wonderful Quebreda de las Conchas lies the small town of Cafayate, which is therefore naturally touristy, but still totally worth seeing. It serves as a starting point for the wine region around Cafayate and is popular with hikers and mountain bikers. There is a nice city center with a cozy Zócalo (main square) and also some colonial buildings. There are also many souvenir stores and restaurants that offer delicious empanadas.

You can spend here very well 2-3 days with souvenir shopping, excursions and strolling in the city. Cafayate is really excellent for that. The city manages to create a great mix of tourism and originality without being too hectic or too extinct. We felt really comfortable in the 3 days we were here in total and it has become our favorite city on our round trip through Chile and Argentina.

Hotel Recommendation in Cafayate

If you want to stay in a comfortable place that is also close to the main square we can recommend the Hostel Cielito Lindo*.

Cielito Lindo

  • Modern Rooms
  • Excellent breakfast
  • friendly staff and dogs
  • close to the main square
  • Beautiful backyard

Hostel Cielito Lindo | Check Prices*

Withdrawing Money in Cafayate

This is always a bit difficult in Argentina, but especially in Cafayate. There are 2 banks in town, one of which had no cash during our stay and the other constantly a huge queue in front of the door. About half an hour we stood in line until it was our turn and in that time the number of machines in the bank that still spit out money dropped from 4 to just one.

I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to get any more cash, which would be bad since most things, like gas stations, can only be paid for with cash. In the end, thank God, it still worked. But you should always withdraw as much money as possible in this region, because especially in the lonely villages of the Puna de Atacama you can only pay cash.

Day 6 | Hike to the Rio Colorado (Cafayate)

After resting for a day in Cafayate, it is time to do something adventurous again. After a short research in our guidebook we found the hike to the Rio Colorado.

If you want to hike the Rio Colorado you just have to drive a few miles out of town and park your car near a campground. The hike itself leads through a wonderful green canyon along a small river and ends at a nice and not so small waterfall. You should start here already in the morning, otherwise the sun just disappears too early behind the mountains.

By the way, we have also written our own travelogue about the hike to the Rio Colorado:

Day 7 | Drive to El Penon

The seventh day of our Argentina trip was unfortunately a driving day. We had to do some distance to catch up after our extra day in Cafayate (we tried to get our SUV repaired by Wicked Camper because the 4WD wasn’t working) and get to the Puna de Atacama. So after breakfast we quickly went to the bakery, tried to pick up some more money and fill up our two gas cans we got from the mechanic.

I write deliberately tried, because both unfortunately did not work. The bank had unfortunately no money and the gas station attendant did not want to fill our canisters. His explanation mumbled in Spanish I unfortunately did not understand. So we had to fill up our emergency canisters at another gas station on the way.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip The RN40 between Cafayate and Hualfin is much flatter and wider than the RN68 between Cafayate and Salta. It is in large parts a road across a wide, flat steppe fringed by high mountain ranges. It is covered with sand and patches of pale green shrubs, from which a single tree emerges from time to time. If you stop here, the dead silence is interrupted only by the occasional snorting of donkeys or rattling sounds from the bushes (are there actually rattlesnakes here? We don’t know)

The roads we traverse on our day of driving are often miles of dead-straight roads that seem to stretch to the horizon. Our understanding of vastness and distance is recalibrated here. On the way we pass the town of Santa Maria, which is a bit bigger than Cafayate, but completely untouristy and not so nice in atmosphere. On the other hand, it’s a good place to stock up on food, refuel (gas cans are also filled here at the local Perisol gas station) and withdraw money.

Refueling again in Hualfin

On our Argentina itinerary we continue to Hualfin, where we turn again into the contemplative place and fill up at the top modern gas station. By the way, like at most gas stations, this is only possible with cash.

Shortly after Hualfin the RP43 turns off to Antofagasta de la Sierra, which we want to follow today only to El Penon. We actually thought that from here on the gravel road should start again. But it continues nicely asphalted and there are only short pieces which are to be called gravel road.

Nevertheless, it goes from the beginning already very steeply uphill and our poor off-road vehicle has to fight properly to climb the gradients. Occasionally I even have to shift into second or even first gear, although it doesn’t look that steep to me. But the thin air, we are now again at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, probably also has its share.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

The Fantastic Landscape Begins

After about 1.5 hours a continuous gravel road begins, but it is relatively straight and easy to drive. There are hardly any potholes and only some small rivers have to be crossed at low speed. Who has fun at driving comes here fully at his expense. I (Andreas) enjoyed the route very much. Therefore, we generally have the division that Sabrina drives the “boring” asphalt roads and I the “exciting” gravel roads.

The landscape during the trip is again extremely fantastic. Endless expanses, many guanacos, isolated donkeys and even ostriches we have seen here. One can look here again almost up to the horizon and if one thinks the street can lead nevertheless no more further highly, then it goes after the next hill again more violently uphill.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip On the way we even drove past some dunes, which reach the foothills of the mountains to the road. It seemed totally crazy to us to suddenly find such huge amounts of sand here in such an area. El Penon is recognizable from the distance, because it seems like a green oasis in the otherwise barren steppe. Everywhere trees and many houses, several playgrounds and also some Hospedajes (hostels), so that one does not have to spend the night here in the tent.

We found our accommodation (Hospedaje Don Carmelo) in advance in the app iOverlander and were very happy with it. We paid 800 ARS (16 Euro) for 2 people with breakfast. Breakfast in Argentina usually means bread, jam and coffee. We have a TV, a fan heater, an enormous amount of thick blankets and also our own bathroom in the room. What more could you want? After we have cooked something to eat on our gas stove in front of the garage, we crawl into our room and plan the next days.

Day 8 | Wondrous Rocks at Campo de Piedra Pomez

The seventh day of our Argentina trip is all about off-road driving. We drove from El Penon in about 1.5 hours to the Campo de Piedra Pomez. Most of it is (according to the sign next to the road) a “4×4 only” route. After we had tried in vain in Cafayate to have our four-wheel drive repaired, this caused me of course some beads of sweat on the forehead.

What if we get stuck somewhere? What if a sand hole could be easily overcome by four-wheel drive, and we just can’t move forward because our four-wheel drive has “a mechanical problem”? And anyway, what kind of a rough road will it be, if at the entrance to the road a “Touristic Check” is carried out, where normally (at our passage nobody was sitting in it, thank God) the entering cars are checked?

Without trying it out, we’ll never know. So we drove off.

The route to the Piedra Pomez is, I can say after our return, very demanding. With a normal rental car I would not drive this route at all. Even if we didn’t have four-wheel drive, we still had a lot of ground clearance, thick knobby tires and generally a very robust vehicle. At the beginning the road is still quite easy to drive, also because it goes continuously downhill.

The Road becomes more and more Impassable

But after a while you encounter occasional sandbanks, tight blind curves and very sharp-stony ground, where normal car tires would probably have burst long ago. But in itself it was super fun to drive this route and the scenery along the way is just amazing.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip Often a road, or let’s rather say a lane, was no longer discernible. Often the lane was so wide that you could choose whether to drive 100 meters to the left or to the right. More than once, I checked the app to make sure we were still on the right route.

Since the car of course rattled violently the whole time, not only our eggs in the cooler broke during the trip (later there should be a delicious omelet for it), but also some of our 5 liter water bottles have had enough of flying around in the trunk and developed discreet leaks in one place or another. After a short break, we then not only had to decant water into other containers so as not to lose it all, but also generally drove a little more leisurely.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

Finally Arrived

Arrived at the unreal symmetrical rock formations of Piedra Pomez, we parked the car at the “road” edge and entered the sea of rocks that stretched out before us. From far away we could see this endless white landscape and wondered what exactly it would be. Only from close up we could see the 1 to almost 10 meter high rocks, which all seemed to be arranged in hundreds of parallel lines. Also, almost all of them were white on the outside and brown on top. A strange sight. As if someone had sculpted these rocks by hand.

Campo de Piedra Pomez: The Highlight of the Puna de Atacama

We climbed some rocks and took many photos. We were also completely alone most of the time in this moon-like landscape. Also we could not get out of the amazement. After we had prepared and eaten a small lunch (the omelet) we started our way back.

We actually wanted to make a short detour to the Laguna Carachi Pampa, which is on the way back to El Penon at a junction. But after the paths on kept branching out and we didn’t know if we were still on the right path, we decided to turn back. Better safe than sorry. We didn’t want to get stuck in this lonely area.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

The way to Antofagasta de la Sierra

After we were back on the “main road”, we turned off towards Antofagasta de la Sierra. The road was mostly (freshly) asphalted and thus very good to drive. In about an hour we reached the place where we wanted to spend the night. On the way we passed the volcano of the same name shortly before Antofagasta.

This volcano is actually not that spectacular, but what makes it special is the sea of black lava rock that surrounds it over an area of several square kilometers. A fantastic sight, especially from the eagle perspective of my drone. Directly behind the volcano, which by the way can also be climbed, we made another small rest at the lagoon of Antofagasta, which again has the same name.

This is full of birds, reeds and even a small flamingo we saw. A real little oasis. Hard to believe that only an hour before we were in a totally lifeless place without plants, animals or water. Around 5 p.m. we arrived in the small Andean town of Antofagasta de la Sierra and went to the small hostel that Sabrina had already picked out on iOverlander.

Antofagasta de la Sierra, Argentinien
Antofagasta de la Sierra

Tips on Antofagasta de la Sierra: Here you will find a gas station, an ATM and several kiosks and restaurants to replenish your food supply.

Day 9 | Up to the Cono Arita Volcano

The next day of our Argentina road trip is unfortunately another exhausting day of driving. Our actual destination on this day was the Cono Arita. A pyramid-like rock in the middle of a huge salar. The drive there from Antofagasta can well be described as extremely strenuous and energy-sapping. The route is exclusively gravel road and partly so jerky and steep that we struggled in first gear up the slopes.

It was just shaking and jolting the whole time. Only a few slopes were prepared in such a way that one could drive 80 km/h there over longer distances. This, of course, only if you meticulously examine the road conditions in front of you.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip One overcomes also enormous height differences and this partly alternating in short distances. In order to cross the Salar de Antofalla, one drives in shortest time approx. 600 altitude meters down, in order to work oneself directly after the Salar these 600 meters again up.

The Salar itself is very beautiful to look at and you also have several miradors (viewpoints) on the descent from which you become aware of the inconceivable dimensions of the Salar. After about 4.5 hours we have (with some small breaks) on our route the 150 km from Antofagasta to Cono Arita finally behind us. During the whole trip we met only one car.

The Salar de Arizaro

We are now on the Salar de Arizaro, the third largest salar (after the one in Uyuni, Bolivia and the one in the Atacama Desert, Chile) in the Andes. You first drive a few kilometers along the edge of the salar until you finally see the outline of Cono Arita. During the drive you already notice the many trucks coming towards you. Accordingly, the road is better prepared here.

On the Salar, raw materials such as salt and various metals are mined – currently still on a small scale. On some sections of the Salar you can already clearly see the traces of industrial mining. Many excavators drive around on the Salar and dig up the earth. We hope that this will not increase in the coming years, so that this unique landscape will not be affected even more.

Arrived at Cono Arita

Finally arrived at the parking lot of Cono Arita, we park our car next to the only other cars and start to marvel. The stone pyramid is about 1 km away. You can’t get closer by car, but you can on foot. But we save ourselves the long walk over the razor sharp stones of the salar. You are not allowed to climb the Cono anyway. For religious reasons, as we read.

We limit ourselves to taking some photos and drone shots. The fact that it is cloudy on this day and it has even rained a little on the route, does the pictures even good, I think. A simple blue background would not be appropriate for this rock pyramid either. The dark blue cloud background makes the photos even more majestic.

Cono Arita

Actually, we wanted to continue to Caipe after the visit of Cono Arita. But we decided to skip this detour for time reasons and go directly to Tolar Grande, 1.5 h away. The street there is actually well developed because of the many trucks, nevertheless, it shakes us once again strongly through and we arrive completely exhausted at shortly before 18 o’clock. Because we do not want to sleep in the roof tent because of the altitude and the associated cold at night, we look for accommodation again.

But this time it is a little bit more difficult. There are some Hospedaje Familiar (private rooms with locals) in the place, but most are full or simply do not open the door. Finally we found a room with a double bed for 900 ARS (about 18 Euro) for both of us. It is not super big or comfortable, but at least warm at night and with a hot shower in the morning.

Day 10 | Ojos del Mar and Desierto del Diabolo

Early in the morning we headed to the Ojos del Mar, located just a few kilometers outside of Tolar Grande. The Ojos del Mar are deep holes in a small salar, which have an interesting green color at the edge due to bacteria. In the middle, however, they are pitch black because of the depth. Hence the name “eyes of the sea”. The colors of these eyes look most impressive in the midday sun, as this is when the sun also reaches the depth of the holes and the colors come out best.

Ojos del Mar, Tolar Grande

During our visit we were again completely alone, which underlines the atmosphere of such a place again. We took many photos and I flew around with the drone to be able to look at the Ojos from above. After a supervisor or would-be law enforcement officer – wherever he came from so quickly – loudly pointed out that you are not allowed to fly here with a drone, we continued our journey.

Since the roads were already in relatively good condition from Cono Arita onwards – due to the trucks passing by – the onward journey turned out to be quite easy. It was still an unpaved road, but with so few potholes and bumps that one could travel quite quickly. No comparison to the stretch between Antofagasta and Cono Arita.

Desierto del Diabolo

Our next stop was the Desierto del Diabolo. An impressive, reddish-brown clay hill scenery through which one drives for several kilometers on the way north. At first you could only guess at it from a distance, but the closer you got, the clearer it became that we would soon be driving through the reddish brown hills of the Devil’s Desert. We were very excited because we had seen photos of this desert at home, but didn’t know exactly where it was.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

It had only been about an hour’s drive since we left Tolar Grande, but the landscape had changed completely. Instead of gray rock, we saw only reddish-brown clay. If you take the signposted truck route instead of the car route, you drive as if through a narrow gorge in which the red hills pile up on the left and right. A very impressive spectacle. One feels like on Mars. When trying to climb one of the loamy hills I (Andreas) had my problems, because the loamy mass broke off again and again when climbing.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

After a few more hours we finally reached the main road that runs between Salta and the Paso de Jama (border crossing to Chile). This last piece was therefore asphalted and thus again very easy to drive.

Exit to Chile or continue to Salta

We continued on our round trip to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile and therefore spent the night at the Paso de Jama border crossing. Right before the border there is a small hotel in a gas station. The YPF hotel in Jama was not as nicely modern equipped as we had hoped and unfortunately the windows – like everywhere else in Argentina – had no seal, which meant that the incredibly strong wind from outside penetrated through all the cracks into the room. But if you want to end your itinerary in Salta, you don’t have to spend the night here, but drive in the opposite direction and head for San Antonio del Cobres.

Day 11 | Via San Antonio del Cobres back to Salta

San Antonio del Cobres is a small (former) mining town with a lot of dust and far less charm. When the mines in the surrounding area and the associated railroad were still in operation, life was probably raging here. But since the shutdown, it is apparently much quieter here. For the passage and for refueling, the place is very well suited, but more time you do not need to spend here in our opinion.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

In San Antonio we also had to get cash first, then we went to a small restaurant, ate a little tasty pizza and used the Internet there to call home. Because in the Puna de Atacama we had no cell phone reception. You don’t have to spend a lot of time here and only plan to stay overnight in case of emergency. The town doesn’t really have much to offer, and it takes about 2 hours to get to Salta. The drive is once again more than spectacular.

Argentina Itinerary | The Most Epic 10 Day Road Trip

To the left and right of the road, colorful mountains gradually appear. As you continue downhill (Salta is just over 1000 meters in elevation), it can get really cloudy and even start to rain. Wow, we hadn’t experienced anything like that in over a week. But the climate change did our bodies a lot of good.

Finally we could breathe relaxed again. Arrived in Salta your Argentina road trip can be over. Or you can add a few more destinations north of Salta, which we presented above in the chapter Additional destinations with a normal rental car.

Road Trip Argentina – Conclusion and Travel Tips

  • Keep warm: Take enough blankets and a sleeping bag. Especially in the high altitudes it gets sensitively cold at night. But we found enough free blankets and sleeping bags at Wicked Camper. However, you should not necessarily rely on this.
  • Supplies: Buy enough water and gas for the road. And of course stock up on food. There are kiosks in every small village with the most necessary things, but e.g. gas is not available everywhere. And you don’t want to take your food cold. You also want to be prepared for an emergency, when your car breaks down and you are on your own for some time until help arrives.
  • The Routes: The routes on an Argentina road trip are longer than you think. The app has always indicated these relatively accurately, but since most routes are really very difficult to drive, you always need more time than you thought before. Not even counting photo stops.
  • Apps: Super helpful on a road trip through Argentina are the two apps iOverlander and The latter can be used as an offline navigation app just like Google Maps. iOverlander, on the other hand, offers an almost endless list of accommodation options for campers and tents, as well as information on photo spots and sights. Partly also with current comments. Unfortunately, the app does not work completely offline, so you should scroll through the maps you will need later online, then they should still be available offline from the cache of your phone.

Do you have any questions about our travel report about our Argentina trip or do you have other experiences? Feel free to write us a comment.

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